So. Who am I? I am a young woman, struggling with everyday problems and enjoying a good life.

I am Italian. To be more specific, I am proudly from the South. Where great landscape, weather and food are to be found. I am European and (my favorite definition) I am a citizen of the world. I have these two amazing parents who have always pushed me into travelling, A LOT.

As I said, I am proudly from the South, and I mean it when I say it, cause South as a whole is a beautiful part of Italy. Nevertheless I never could settle here and I ran away. As soon as I could, I ran. And I moved to Bologna, it was September 2010, to study International Studies. And a new chapter of my life began.

Then I became a Londoner. On my third year at uni, I went on my Erasmus in London and lived there for ten amazingly unforgettable months. That was one of the best choices I could ever make. This city and I, well, we just clicked. We belong together. I lived in East London and it became my safe area (yes, I’m aware this will look like a non-sense to those who actually know East London). London is my lovely monster. It took me, changed every bit of me and gave me back to myself in some sort of upgraded version. And even though we had an expiry date, that doesn’t mean I’ll stop being a Londoner. Ever.

My parents are the very reason I am such a person today. They have always let me make my own choices (and inevitably mistakes). They are and always have been there for me, no matter what. To support me when I need it; to help me (and eventually punish me too), when I mess it up; to enjoy my successes. They have always trusted me and I have been trying to show them it was worth it ever since my very first “Okay you can go to the party alone” came along.

I have two brothers. The joy of my life. They’re both younger than me. The first one is the exact opposite of me. He’s only four years younger than me, which means we have always fought A LOT. We’re good friends though. He knows he has me and I know I have him. We have each other’s back. Now and always. From the very first day he was born, when I was in the hospital to visit my mom and the nurse came and asked me (I mean ME, I was just four at the time, I was so terrified and excited!) if I wanted to hold him. The second one is a tiny little nine-years-younger boy. He’s more of a mix. He resembles both me and my other brother somehow. He’s growing up so fast, so-so fast, but in my mind he’s still the little, round (trust me, he was literally round; a ball basically) baby I used to play with. He is still the one I have to take care and protect. He’ll always be the kid in the family.

Well, that’s sort of me in short. I am plenty of other things too, but that’s not to be discussed on a web page.

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